What is Autodesk Inventor?
This might sound like a simple question, but with so many different CAD software tools on the market, it’s worth answering. Autodesk Inventor is an engineering design software developed by Autodesk. Inventor is similar to AutoCAD, another Autodesk software, in that both create precise 2D and 3D models. However, this software has different terminology and workflows that make the transition tricky when first navigating Inventor if you’re used to using AutoCAD or SOLIDWORKS. Unlike other 3D systems you may have used in the past, Autodesk Inventor is a parametric, feature-based system that allows you to create 3D parts, assemblies, and 2D drawings. Parametric modeling is a bit different from modeling in AutoCAD, which is object driven. In a parametric modeler, everything is controlled by either parameters, dimensions, or relationships. For example, if you want to move the position of a hole in a block, you would change the dimension or relation that controls its position in a parametric system.
While both systems get the same job done, there is a reason why a lot of CAD users have switched over to parametric modeling for two main reasons.
- Engineers have much more power and flexibility when using the parametric system. The parameters and relationships you set up allow you to have control over your design intent. The term “design intent” basically describes how your design will behave depending on the way you use parameters, such as dimensions and relationships, to design it.
- With the parametric system, you also get associativity between your parts, assemblies, and drawings. If you change the design of a part, the change will take effect in any assemblies that it’s a part of. Its 2D illustration will update automatically as well.

What is Autodesk Inventor used for?
With the rise of automation, CAD software has become increasingly popular. Many organizations rely on these systems for product design. Autodesk Inventor is specifically helpful for product design, tooling creation, mechanical design, and product simulation. This software enables users to construct accurate 3D models to aid in simulation and visualization before building products. Inventor is a 2D and 3D CAD application that comes in different file types like IAM, DW, IPN, IPT, and runs on both Windows and Mac systems.
How do you learn Autodesk Inventor?
Are you new to Autodesk Inventor? Our SolidProfessor Autodesk Inventor tutorials are an easy way to get started. Check out these Autodesk Inventor online courses for beginners:
- Introduction to Inventor: Learn how to navigate Autodesk Inventor, create sketches, set up parametric relationships, and more. This course covers all of the fundamental skills for getting started using Inventor. You will master assembly creation from parts and create production-ready 2D drawings of your 3D parts and assemblies.
- Inventor Essentials for Parts and Assemblies: Master the essentials for parts and assemblies in Autodesk Inventor. This training course covers sketching, sketched features, placed features, work features, reference geometry, pattered geometry, design strategies, iParts, assemblies, and more.
- Inventor User Certification Exam Prep: Learn what to expect from the Inventor Certified User exam. This course has practice exams to test your knowledge and get users comfortable with Inventor. Review topics about the general Inventor application, part modeling, assembly modeling, drawings, and more.
After taking the introductory courses, further your knowledge of Autodesk Inventor by exploring the full SolidProfessor library of Inventor tutorials.