San Diego, Calif. April 3, 2015 – SolidProfessor’s Sandy Bloomberg and Chad Makings cheered on the teams at the 9th Annual “For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology” (FIRST) Robotics Competition in San Diego! Founded by Dean Kamen, the goal of FIRST is “to transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.” At the competition, Sandy and Chad had the opportunity to watch teams who use SolidProfessor to design and create their robots perform!

Chad was impressed with the progress the War Lords have made over the past year, this time scoring around 120 points! “It was exciting for me to see how far the War Lords have come in just one year!” The War Lords advanced to the finals in St. Louis the last two years, and hope to so again this year.
Chad and Sandy also saw The Holy Cows and Code Orange showcase their robots. Both of the teams also utilize SolidProfessor from learning CAD to designing their robots.
The FIRST Robotics Competition draws high school students from all over the world including Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Mexico, the Netherlands, and more. Over 58,000 students and over 2,300 teams compete across the United States. The life-changing competition provides students with real world teamwork situations, career-molding experience, and much more!