2017 CAD Project Management training course
If you’re managing a CAD system, a CAD team, or working with the owners and senior level managers of a company, this course is for you. As the CAD Manager, your boss wants you to manage your staff, projects, software, and hardware in the best possible manner. In most of our other AutoCAD courses, we focus on the tools and techniques for developing professional drawings. In this course, we focus on being the CAD Manager, which includes responsibilities such as managing a project, working with people throughout the entire company, and working with your bosses for the overall benefit of the company.
Customize and configure AutoCAD
Learn how to get your team operating consistently and adhering to company standards and policies by creating dimension styles, text styles, drawing template files, plotting color table files, and AutoCAD CUIX files. Discover how to take a fresh installation of AutoCAD and customize and configure it to benefit a team environment.
Organizing and archiving AutoCAD data
You’ll understand the best ways to organize a project and take a hands-on approach to learning how to reorganize an existing project and repair Xrefs. By reorganizing file structures and repairing a set of construction documents after relocation, you’ll be prepared for inheriting projects from others, or to taking on projects that were previously completed. Your team will be equipped to find and archive data consistently because you’ll be able to structure your documents in a way that adheres to the National CAD Standards.

It’s essential for architecture firms to understand the drafting standards, layer names, and file naming conventions that are used by most professional organizations. Included in this course is a set of National CAD Standards developed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the American Institute of Architects. You’ll go through real-world scenarios to gain a concrete understanding of the various approaches and philosophies for working with an inherited project. Understand the best practices for organizing a project proactively, so that you will be prepared, if and when you find yourself in these situations within your own team.