We’ve been developing Mold Tools & Plastic Design for our members since 2011. This course is now updated for SolidWorks 2013 and with more than 15 unique lessons and nearly 40 minutes of content members can get up to speed with Mold Tools & Plastic Design faster than ever before!
This course teaches users how to create molds for parts using the various mold tools available in SolidWorks. Users will learn how to perform draft analysis to ensure that parts can be ejected from the mold, scale parts for shrinkage, and design the core and cavity of a mold by inserting parting line, parting surface, shut off surface, and create side cores. In addition, users will learn how to create features commonly found in plastics such as mounting bosses, snap hooks, snap grooves, vents, and lip and groove features.
Watch a sample lesson from the course:

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