Introducing SolidProfessor’s SOLIDWORKS MBD Course



Learn how to use SOLIDWORKS MBD to guide the manufacturing process directly in 3D, helping to streamline production, cut cycle time, reduce errors, and support industry standards. SolidProfessor’s SOLIDWORKS MBD course will equip you to capture all of the model geometry and annotate it as needed, then package it in a 3D PDF that can be shared with manufacturers, other designers, and even customers.

SOLIDWORKS MBD, which stands for “Model Based Definition,” is a licensed software add-in for SOLIDWORKS that’s designed to prepare models for manufacturing. This is a drawingless product (no individual drawing views needed) that greatly improves how models are prepared and ensures that the model details are fully understood.

Traditionally, engineers have approached manufacturing models by preparing complex 2D drawings that are often misunderstood or misinterpreted by manufacturers. Learn how to use SOLIDWORKS MBD to create a 3D view of the model in a PDF, which can be rotated on screen and help verify how the dimensions and notes attach to the model, reducing communication errors.


Learn the foundational skills of SOLIDWORKS MBD  all the way through creating custom 3D PDF templates and output files.

Get acquainted with SOLIDWORKS MBD in the “Getting Started” section. From there, learn the “Auto Dimension Scheme” functionality that takes a model and immediately applies all of the dimensions and tolerances needed to fully define it for manufacturing. Next, learn how to manually add new annotation views, create specific dimensions and annotations on screen, establish datums, and define machining callouts. Near the end of the course, you will understand how to prepare model views and 3D PDF templates for the model to be published in a packaged document. Finally, learn how to create and use the final 3D PDF output documents, as well as eDrawings, to share with others.

By combining all of these functionalities, you can save time, reducing wasted materials and confusion!

SolidProfessor members can log in to check out our SOLIDWORKS MBD course. If you’re new to SolidProfessor, create a free account to check out the first five videos of the course or upgrade to a paid membership to view all 37 lessons in the course!

Tony Glockler
About the Author

SolidProfessor Co-Founder and CEO, CAD junky, sailer, surfer and former world traveler (before kids, that is).