4 Ways Successful Teachers Stay Ahead of Technology


If you’re a teacher struggling to keep up with technology, you’re not alone. Teaching engineering and design presents many challenges that teachers in other fields don’t face.

A large portion of my time as an Academic Specialist at SolidProfessor is spent speaking with teachers – between 200 and 300 per year. During these conversations, we discuss goals for student outcomes and come up with solutions for keeping up with the rapid changes in their engineering and design programs. These conversations have given me insight into what makes the most successful engineering programs. I’ve found that the top engineering programs are effective because they’re able to overcome the ever-changing technology landscape, the pressure to teach a variety of subjects, and a lack of teacher support.


Here are four suggestions for overcoming these common challenges and propelling your program to the top.

Plan ahead.

Keeping up with the rate of change in the industry takes time. Since the industry is constantly changing, you should spend time throughout the year to make sure you’re keeping up and adapting to those changes. Set aside time for professional development throughout the year. There’s nothing worse than falling behind the curve and having to take time during summer to catch up.

Attend a conference.

Attending any of the major conferences related to your course is a good place to start learning and staying ahead. Shows like SOLIDWORKS World or Autodesk University give you a look into the future direction of the industry, current priorities for corporate engineering teams, and trends to pay attention to. Pick a couple break-out sessions that are of interest and have goals for what you would like to get out of them. Not only will you learn the latest trends, but you’ll be surrounded by a community of like-minded people trying to solve relatable challenges that you can learn from.


Join a user group.

While conferences bring people across the industry to one place, they only happen annually. Local user groups and communities give you a place to network year around and are a great place to keep up with trends and learn easy tips and tricks. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel, use these communities to leverage the knowledge of others.

Take an online training course.

Online training courses give you the flexibility to learn at your own pace and during a timeframe that works best for you. Quickly brush up on subjects you’re familiar with and dive deeper into concepts you don’t know.


Staying committed to and keeping up with the important changes in technology is par for the course in the engineering and design industry. Teachers who overcome these challenges are more confident in their lessons, creating a positive learning environment for students and best preparing them for future career success.

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Rob Hughes
About the Author

SolidProfessor Academic Product Specialist and Professional Dad that can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy.