Content Release – Troubleshooting SOLIDWORKS Simulation



Troubleshooting SOLIDWORKS Simulation provides demonstrations and use cases for critical diagnostics tools related to meshing and under-restrained models, which are two of the most common sources of errors and failures in simulation studies of all kinds. This course is an excellent supplement for intermediate/advanced simulation users to improve upon their existing skillset and was developed by simulation experts with decades of combined experience in finite element analysis.

Example of a typical mesh failure in SOLIDWORKS Simulation

Course Highlights & Updates

This course uses a systematic approach to diagnose and troubleshoot problematic meshes and models without adequate constraints, introducing important study setup strategies and evaluation tools at each step. Mesh Troubleshooting begins by investigating possible geometric issues resulting from imported models, and then moves into component interferences and other potential error-causing conditions, offering a step-by-step approach to eliminate failure modes.

Underconstrained bodies are addressed similarly, introducing tools to check models for stability and identify underconstrained bodies along with best practices for properly constraining models for analysis. Practice exercises are available for both subjects to practice simulation troubleshooting skills.

Incremental Meshing strategy being used to avoid potential mesh failures

Adjustments have been made to the simulation solver algorithm and the Underconstrained Bodies tool since the previous release of this course in 2022. Though the subjects covered in the 2024 edition of Troubleshooting SOLIDWORKS Simulation remain the same, several individual lessons have been updated in response to these software changes to accurately reflect this new behavior:

  • Checking Unstable Models
  • Using Soft Springs
  • Finding Underconstrained Bodies

Underconstrained Bodies tool being used to diagnose missing fixtures

Who is this course for?

Established SOLIDWORKS Simulation Users who have been facing any degree of difficulty with simulation warning, errors, or highly inaccurate results, or who wish to learn more about the cause of these common issues. This course focuses on tools available in SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard which can also be used in Professional and Premium editions and is suitable for most FEA users; however, many of the tools demonstrated are unavailable for the SimulationXpress add-in included by default with SOLIDWORKS CAD. Viewers should already be familiar with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard to get the most out of this course.

This course is not applicable to Flow Simulation (CFD).

How can you use these tools?

  • Determine the origin of and resolve mesh failures
  • Discover the cause of underconstrained bodies and apply appropriate fixtures/constraints
  • Set up and execute studies more effectively
  • Minimize errors and follow a clear troubleshooting strategy when needed
  • Use results to inform more efficient and safer design choices
  • Use Practice Exercises to develop troubleshooting skills

Practice exercise for troubleshooting underconstrained models

SolidProfessor’s latest edition of Troubleshooting SOLIDWORKS Simulation contains years of expert experience condensed into a one hour course on the most effective methods and approaches for handling common errors in simulation studies with practice exercises to reinforce new concepts. These techniques are a must for any and all simulation users to better analyze designs for efficiency, safety, and effectiveness.

Jacob Ames
About the Author

SolidProfessor Content Evangelist, vintage dirt bike enthusiast, and off-road unicyclist.