Content Release – SOLIDWORKS Routing: Piping and Tubing 



The new and improved Routing course for Piping and Tubing in SOLIDWORKS offers a comprehensive overview of the SOLIDWORKS add-in used to simplify and automate the process of creating and managing 3D assemblies of pipes, tubes, HVAC systems, and related components. These tools are commonly used to create industrial layouts and mechanical designs involving fluids across many industries and offer several advantages over traditional approaches using thin Sweep features.

Connecting two fluid tanks in SOLIDWORKS Routing

Course Highlights & Updates

Previously, SOLIDWORKS Routing included curriculum covering both pipe/tube and electrical routing in a single course. These categories represent two distinct groups of SOLIDWORKS users with different needs, and in response to this, our latest edition of the course focuses exclusively on pipe/tube routing. Our subject matter experts took this opportunity to include answers to the most common technical questions received from both students and customers in industry.

Creating a custom pipe route component with the Routing Component Wizard

Several new concepts are now covered in this course that were omitted in previous releases (and which are often avoided by other training programs) including workflows for HVAC routing. Many tools are explored in greater detail, and custom file sets were created to demonstrate tools and techniques. As a result, this course is capable of replacing traditional instructor-led courses. New subjects for this edition include (but are not limited to):

  • Pipe Routing along Existing Geometry
  • Adding Hangers to Pipe Routes
  • Including Weld Gaps in Pipe Routes
  • Adding Clips to Tubing Routes
  • New Practice Exercises for course sections
  • New course section on Cable Trays and HVAC Routes
  • New course section on Extra Resources from SOLIDWORKS Content

New HVAC Routing lessons from the latest course release (previously unavailable)

Who is this course for?

SOLIDWORKS users who need to design, manage, and produce drawings for assemblies involving systems of pipes and/or tubes and their associated hardware and who have access to the SOLIDWORKS Routing add-in. Users should already be experienced with assemblies, drawings, and data management to maximize the value of this course.

How can you use these tools?

  • Automate the creation of pipes/tubes and placement of components/hardware
  • Create custom components and hardware
  • Create 3D drawings of piping and tubing assemblies
  • Generate comprehensive, associative BOMs
  • Import P&ID information from XML files
  • Perform CFD analysis on pipes/tube systems

Creating a 3D drawing and BOM for a pipe route assembly

SolidProfessor’s latest edition of SOLIDWORKS Routing Piping and Tubing is easily one of the most comprehensive courses you’ll find on the subject. Our experts have worked tirelessly to ensure it includes everything you’ll need for your next pipe/tube assembly design, so take a look and see for yourself!

Jacob Ames
About the Author

SolidProfessor Content Evangelist, vintage dirt bike enthusiast, and off-road unicyclist.