Onshape has been continually adding new features and capabilities, so we have been hard at work expanding our Onshape learning experiences.
We have been receiving a lot of great feedback about the New User Experience.
At SolidProfessor, we are always striving to provide our users with not only the best content we can deliver, but the most up to date as well.
“The most impactful result of SolidProfessor has been standardizing design skills across our team; increased product innovation would be number two.
With rising pressure to innovate products and refine processes faster than ever before but without sacrificing quality, engineers face steep challenges in the work they perform …
The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence and to involve industry in directly evaluating student performance …
Great teams don’t happen by accident.
How were you taught growing up?
Whenever I interview candidates for a position in our content development group, whether it’s for a position working on the products we create or for the custom eLearning services we offer, I like to ask them the question, “What is it exactly that you think we do here at SolidProfessor?” I get some interesting responses: […]