Smart Manufacturing in Industry 4.0: How to Close Skills Gaps & Set Your Workforce Up for Success

Reduce Costs and Create New Opportunities for Your Team in the Age of Manufacturing Automation

Implementing Industry 4.0 technologies doesn’t have to be expensive or destroy jobs — doing so can save your business time and money while creating exciting opportunities for your workforce. In fact, 91% of industrial companies are already investing in forming digital factories, with clear goals and ROI expectations for the next five years (according to PwC’s Digital Factories 2020: Shaping the future of manufacturing survey).

So, how do you help your team build their skills to meet increasing demands and stay competitive in the industry? We have a few ideas.

Download the free e-book to learn more about:

  • Mechanical engineering roles of the past and future
  • A new scope of work for mechanical engineers
  • Tools for building skills that can help close skills gaps and set your workforce up for future success