SolidProfessor Sponsors “Geek Night” to Support STEM Education

SolidProfessor recently sponsored “Geek Night” – the Fourth Annual Engineering Night – on-board the USS Midway Museum to raise awareness of STEM needs in San Diego schools. SolidProfessor partnered with The San Diego Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), along with the San Diego Section of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) to host the fourth annual San Diego Engineering Night on September 27, 2015. The San Diego Engineering Geek Night on the USS Midway Museum is a local industry and academic event dedicated to raising STEM awareness and support for local K-12 schools in the San Diego region. SolidProfessor is passionate about encouraging future generations to pursue engineering and science careers and helping to provide the resources for them to succeed in STEM fields. The event was created to help science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs that have funding shortfalls in local schools. The programs, better known as STEM, are designed to interest and excite students about careers in technical and scientific fields such as systems engineering. Attendees of San Diego Engineering Night enjoyed admission to the USS Midway Museum, a guided tour, flight simulator rides, dinner, a student robotics demonstration, networking with engineering colleagues and a fantastic flight deck view of San Diego Harbor.   For more information about INCOSE’s San Diego Chapter, visit:

Tony Glockler
About the Author

SolidProfessor Co-Founder and CEO, CAD junky, sailer, surfer and former world traveler (before kids, that is).