SolidProfessor is Awarded “Best Places to Work in San Diego”


SolidProfessor was recently named as one of the Best Places to Work in San Diego. The annual list of the Best Places to Work in San Diego was created by the San Diego Business Journal and Best Companies Group.

This survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize, and honor the 100 best employers in San Diego, benefiting the county’s economy, workforce, and businesses. SolidProfessor was selected based on its positive employee feedback and its exceptional workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems, and demographics.

SolidProfessor CEO Tony Glockler is honored to receive this recognition: “I’m proud of what SolidProfessor has achieved and the strong growth stage we’re heading into, all due to the hard work and talent of the team.”

Tony shared that SolidProfessor’s Core Values include:

Innovation – We are open to new ideas and experimentation. We embrace the opportunity to deliver innovative solutions to our customers’ challenges and evolving needs.

Ownership – We take ownership of our domain. We take initiative, act on opportunities, and learn from our successes and our failures. We take on challenges that push us beyond our comfort zone, and we encourage each other to do the same. We’re accountable.

Excellence – We put forth our best effort in order to meet our own high expectations as well as those of our colleagues and our customers. We embrace teamwork as a means of achieving excellence.

Respect – We communicate candidly but respectfully in order to share ideas, nurture creativity, and solve problems as a team. We always respect our colleagues, customers, and partners.

Tony Glockler
About the Author

SolidProfessor Co-Founder and CEO, CAD junky, sailer, surfer and former world traveler (before kids, that is).