How do I get a SOLIDWORKS certificate?
With a passing rate of only about 80%, even the most seasoned engineers need CSWP practice to successfully pass the exam and earn a certificate. Passing the CSWP exam is challenging, but that’s the point. If it was easy, then anyone could do it and it wouldn’t differentiate you from the crowd. So, before you purchase your CSWP exam, you’ll need to prepare and practice.

How do I purchase a SOLIDWORKS exam?
- Visit the SOLIDWORKS Certification online store.
- Add the exam to your cart.
- Choose your language preference and currency.
- View your cart and purchase the exam.
Note: Unlike other software certification tests, you can take SOLIDWORKS certification exams at your convenience and in the comfort of your own home or office. No testing center needed.
What happens after I pass the CSWP exam?
- You’ll receive an email with a link to the SOLIDWORKS electronic certificate access page. From there, you’ll be able to download and print your electronic certificate and business card logo.
- You’ll have the option to add your name to the CSWP online directory.
- You can add your new certification to your resume and LinkedIn profile.
How much does a SOLIDWORKS certification cost?
The cost of a SOLIDWORKS certification varies by exam and ranges from $19.95 to $149. The CSWA and CSWP cost $99 each. The CSWE costs $149. However, in order to qualify to take the CSWE exam, you’ll need to pass the CSWP exam ($99) and at least four of the CSWP advanced topic exams ($19.95 to $49.95 each). Visit the SOLIDWORKS Certification online store to review the most up-to-date exam pricing for all 16 certifications.
Is there an online CAD course available?
Yes, you can take an online CAD course that’ll give you the CSWP practice you need to pass the exam. The CSWP Learning Path, Become a Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional, is a series of online CAD courses that will act as your one-stop shop for CSWP exam prep. With 15+ hours of video tutorials, you’ll get access to:
- Style and structure of SOLIDWORKS exam
- Practice exercises and exams
- Hands-on challenge walkthroughs
Plus, when you finish the Learning Path, you’ll earn a free CSWP exam voucher.

To give you an additional leg up during your CSWP practice, we’ve put together Your CSWP Exam Preparation Guide with the help of CSWPs (and even one CSWE).